Map and set-up instructions will be emailed to all vendors by November 19th at 5 PM.
NOTE: no booths have onsite parking. *Payments must be made one week before the market date. If paying by check call 248-349-7640 to be invoiced. Make checks payable to the Northville Chamber of Commerce and mail them to 195 S. Main Street, Northville, MI 48167. Immediate credit card payments can be completed with this application online.
Final instructions with full information to come: *General Booth set up begins at 12:00 PM on Friday and 7:00 AM on Saturday. * By 2:00 PM on Friday and 9 AM on Saturday, vehicles must be parked offsite and booths must be occupied. *All large display racks should be kept to the rear of each stall. *Vendors are to have a sign with the name of the business prominently displayed in the assigned area. *Booth cleanup should not start until 9 PM on Friday and 7 PM on Saturday. Product may be left on site, but must be secured and compacted. Overnight security will be provided by the chamber. *Vendors are not permitted to leave the event early.
For event questions, contact Maddy at (248) 349-7640 or
*No refunds, this is a rain or shine event with no make-up date.