• Membership Benefits

  • When you join the Northville Chamber, you become connected to hundreds of Northville Community businesses, organizations, individuals, and leaders. 

  • Networking

    • Coffee Connection – Start your morning with a great breakfast while networking with other Chamber business leaders.
    • After Hours Gatherings – These receptions are designed to introduce new and current members to the Chamber, provide an opportunity for members to tell others about their business and share promotional materials. 
  • Message Delivery

    • Northville Chamber Business Directory – Each year the Chamber produces 10,000 copies of this popular Directory. Chamber members receive a primary listing and have the option of purchasing additional listings or display advertising at discounted prices. This directory is made available to Chamber members, distributed in our New Resident packets, at special events, and most importantly, delivered to 9,000 households in Northville. 
    • Website – Members receive a free listing in our business directory section with a link to your business on the Chamber website www.northville.org and on the Chamber Facebook
    • Lobby Marketing – The Chamber has a display area for your brochures, business cards and related information. This is a high traffic area for current and future Northville businesses and residents.
    • Community Welcome Kits – Available to realtors or any newcomers to our community, we provide a great “starter kit” for those moving to our community.
    • Chamber Communications – Be it through our website, monthly e-news, or social networking, the Chamber can promote you to both its 300+ membership base and to the general public. Be our "Member in the Spotlight" and we will make sure to share your information.
  • Member to Member Referrals & Discounts

    • Referrals – The Chamber is the community clearing house for information; we maintain a business database that allows us to provide information to any and all who are looking for YOUR business.
    • Member-to-Member Discounts - Chamber members offer discounts on services and products. Member-to- member discounts are available for you to take advantage of or to provide. There are so many ways in which to save money while also increasing business. 
  • Partnerships

    The Northville Chamber of Commerce's strategic partnerships are building economic strength for our 300+ members, as well as fueling new directions for the entire Northville community. The Chamber's collaborative efforts with the City, Northville Township,  Northville Public Schools and local nonprofits help business break new ground. Whether it's navigating social media, understanding tax legislation or connecting entrepreneurs to new resources, the Chamber is there to lead the way in providing relevant information for bettering business.

    Let the Chamber connect you!

  • Connect yourself to the Chamber network: Connect yourself to the Chamber network:

    300+ Chamber Member Businesses

    Township and City Officials

    Northville Schools

    Northville Community