• Honoring David John Law

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  • Dave enlisted in the Army’s Officer Candidate School (OCS) after graduating from the University of Michigan and quickly found himself en route to Vietnam with the First Air Cavalry Division. His combat tour lasted from 1969-1970, during which he rose to First Lieutenant and served as a Company Commander – a position usually reserved for more senior officers.

    Dave received several individual and Company commendations, including the Presidential Unit Citation, the Army Commendation Medal with Valor, and two Bronze Stars. Despite those achievements, Dave is most proud of the fact that no one in his Company was killed in action under his command.

    Dave has been a member of the Northville community since the mid-1980s, after relocating from northwest Detroit. We are so proud of Dave’s service, his ongoing support of Vietnam Veterans of America, and his continued advocacy for war as a last resort.

    With respect and gratitude,

    -          The Law Family