• Honoring Leamon V. Morrow

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  • Born in 1923, Leamon “Lee” Morrow grew up a farm boy in rural Tennessee.  After enlisting in the Navy in 1943, he came to Michigan where he was stationed during World War II.  In the Navy, Lee met a fellow serviceman who had worked as a newspaper pressman before enlisting.

    After the War, the connection would result in Lee getting a job, which he held until his retirement in 1988, as a newspaper pressman himself, primarily with the Detroit Free Press, but also with the Detroit News and Daily Tribune. In 1947, Lee married his Tennessee sweetheart, Clara “Allene” Harvey, who had followed him to Michigan during the War.  They had three children: Barbara; Marilyn; and Brian, now a Northville resident. Lee died in 1991.

    - Brian Morrow

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