• Honoring Michael Hlohinec

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  • In 1968, Michael Hlohinec enlisted in the U.S.Navy after graduating from Northville High School.   During the Cold War, for four years, he travelled on two ships, the USS Penobscot and then on the USS Kaskaskia.  He travelled the Mediterranean Sea,  and on land in Malta and on land in Iceland.  Eventually he worked as Yeoman, 3rd class unti l1972 when he returned to Michigan. Michael studied Conservation at Michigan State, and went on to work in Nursery in Traverse City.

    Mike moved to Minnesota and built a home near Rochester.  He loved country life.  He worked many years at the  Mayo Clinic until he retired.  He became a lifetime member and volunteer of the Disabled American Veterans. When he died in 2018, he was buried with full honors at the Minnesota State Veterans Cemetery.  

    Michael was a quiet, gentle man that loved  the land and his family.  He is greatly missed by his family and friends.