Restaurants, Food & Beverages
Restaurants, Food & Beverages
Center Street Grille
4/1/2020 - Carry out hours are Sunday-Thursday: 4-8 p.m. & Friday-Saturday: 4-9p
To place a carry-out call 248-924-3135 or order online, www.centerstreetgrillenorthville.com4/1/2020 - Carry out hours are Sunday-Thursday: 4-8 p.m. & Friday-Saturday: 4-9p
To place a carry-out call 248-924-3135 or order online, www.centerstreetgrillenorthville.comDeadwood Bar & Grill
A rustic retreat in the heart of Northville, Michigan.A rustic retreat in the heart of Northville, Michigan.
Exchange Bar and Grill
Open for Carry-out/Curbside pick-up, direct to your car. Call-in 248-349-1715. Wednesday-Sunday 3pm-8pm. Limited menu items, found at - https://www.facebook.com/Pooles-Tavern-71508119133/Open for Carry-out/Curbside pick-up, direct to your car. Call-in 248-349-1715. Wednesday-Sunday 3pm-8pm. Limited menu items, found at - https://www.facebook.com/Pooles-Tavern-71508119133/
Garage Grill & Fuel Bar
Garage Grill & Fuel Bar (202 W. Main Street): 248-924-3367 www.garagenorthville.com Temporarily closed during the State mandate. Check their Facebook or Instagram accounts for updates.Garage Grill & Fuel Bar (202 W. Main Street): 248-924-3367 www.garagenorthville.com Temporarily closed during the State mandate. Check their Facebook or Instagram accounts for updates.
Genitti's Hole in the Wall
248-349-0522 Catering and carry-out orders. Call 248-349-0522 for more information and to place an order.248-349-0522 Catering and carry-out orders. Call 248-349-0522 for more information and to place an order.
George's Senate Restaurant
Call (734) 927-1126 for Carry out options. Hours 8am - 8pmCall (734) 927-1126 for Carry out options. Hours 8am - 8pm
Honey Tree Grille
Honey Tree Grille Northville is open from 10 a.m. to 8 p.m. for carryout and delivery. menu: https://www.honeytreegrille.com/?fbclid=IwAR0FNorkgNpOvSrhrDsSCEHCR0eI06eDIjm0iOc716Ga9A4-0dfvkFyvij4Honey Tree Grille Northville is open from 10 a.m. to 8 p.m. for carryout and delivery. menu: https://www.honeytreegrille.com/?fbclid=IwAR0FNorkgNpOvSrhrDsSCEHCR0eI06eDIjm0iOc716Ga9A4-0dfvkFyvij4
Italian American Banquet & Conference Center
We are not open for takeout service.We are not open for takeout service.
Mission BBQ
All locations are open. Call ahead or stop in to order as all of your favorites are available for takeout! Local delivery is available also.All locations are open. Call ahead or stop in to order as all of your favorites are available for takeout! Local delivery is available also.
Northville Sports Den
Northville Sports Den (133 W. Main Street, Ste. 102): Temporarily closed but visit their Facebook page for updates.Northville Sports Den (133 W. Main Street, Ste. 102): Temporarily closed but visit their Facebook page for updates.
Northville Winery and Brewing Company LLC
Due to limitations on crowd size for public gatherings we
are closed for the time being. We hope to make adjustments quickly and have bottle togo service set up very soon. Check back here and on ourDue to limitations on crowd size for public gatherings we
are closed for the time being. We hope to make adjustments quickly and have bottle togo service set up very soon. Check back here and on ourParmenter's Northville Cider Mill
closed till fall 2020
Thank you for a great 2019 Season. See you next fall!closed till fall 2020
Thank you for a great 2019 Season. See you next fall!Red Dot Coffee Company
Re-opening June 1st for Take-Out Only.Re-opening June 1st for Take-Out Only.
Rocky's of Northville
Rocky's of Northville is open and doing curbside with a limited menu. Find more information at https://rockysnorthville.com/curbside-pick-up-and-delivery/Rocky's of Northville is open and doing curbside with a limited menu. Find more information at https://rockysnorthville.com/curbside-pick-up-and-delivery/
Rusty Bucket Restaurant and Tavern
We are open for delivery through DoorDash!
Place carryout orders at https://order.myrustybucket.com/
Hours: Mon-Sat 11am-10pm, Sun: 11am-9pm, Weekday Happy Hour 3-6pmWe are open for delivery through DoorDash!
Place carryout orders at https://order.myrustybucket.com/
Hours: Mon-Sat 11am-10pm, Sun: 11am-9pm, Weekday Happy Hour 3-6pmSpice & Tea Merchants
We have reopened to the public Wed-Sat 10am-6pm. Sun 12-5pm. Mon & Tue we will be closed but open for curbside pick up and local delivery until June 15. At that point normal business hours will resumeWe have reopened to the public Wed-Sat 10am-6pm. Sun 12-5pm. Mon & Tue we will be closed but open for curbside pick up and local delivery until June 15. At that point normal business hours will resume
Sweet Brew Café
734-658-5610 - Sweet N Spice Bowls, vegan & vegetarian for a party of 4 or more can be placed 24 hrsin advance. FREE Delivery to Northville and Novi. Gift cards are also available for purchase.734-658-5610 - Sweet N Spice Bowls, vegan & vegetarian for a party of 4 or more can be placed 24 hrsin advance. FREE Delivery to Northville and Novi. Gift cards are also available for purchase.
Tirami Su Italian Ristorante
248-735-0101 Carryout Available: Open Monday - Sunday 3-8 p.m. Dinner menu available248-735-0101 Carryout Available: Open Monday - Sunday 3-8 p.m. Dinner menu available